Latest WEBroker 2.0 Update - Group Policy Feature

Posted in WEBroker News system updates , group policies on 8 August 2023

We hope that you are finding the new WEBroker system more intuitive and easier to use and also hope that the flexibility Voyager Plus provides is enabling you to retain business as well as generate new sales. 

One area that we recognise wasn’t initially available within the WEBroker 2.0 environment was uploading group Travel Insurance policies for Voyager Plus…until now!

Since we released WEBroker 2.0, we have had a number of calls from brokers trying to do quotes for large groups on Voyager Plus for policies purchased by schools for example. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that from the 10th October 2023, we will be updating the system to make it easier to sell Voyager Plus to groups with 25+ people by allowing the upload of customer information into the quote.

To use this functionality you will need to select the 'Group 25+' Icon and then click the Add Large Group button which you can see at the bottom right of the example below.

This will then show the following pop-up

Here, you will need to enter the number of people for each age band and then click Add Group. This will then show a summary:

From here click 'Get Quotes' Button, which will provide you with the prices on the various levels of cover, and then select the level of cover your clients require to proceed with the quote as normal.

Once you get to the Customer Details page there is a button stating Import Insured Details, clicking this button will pop up the following:

From here you will be able to import the details of each of the insured to be on the policy. These details should be in the following format.

From here the details should be populated as uploaded, and you can proceed and finish the quote as normal.

This update will dramatically speed up the time it takes you to quote large group policies, something we are sure your clients will appreciate.

You will not need to do anything in order to use this new update, your dashboard will automatically roll over on the 10/10/23.

Should you have any issues using the new update once it has gone live on the 10th October 2023, then you can contact our broker support team either by emailing us at or by calling us on 01483 562 662.